What does ICT proficiency look like?
Proficiency in ICTs is founded in the development of skills and abilities, by individuals and businesses more broadly, to use and manage technologies productively.
Use the following list of skills to help you identify your and your teams current strengths and weaknesses in ICT proficiency.
More advanced and specialised ICT skills may include:
- Exploring, developing &/or adopting new technologies & software
- Connecting and linking services & tools to other programs to build a personal digital environment both individually & organisationally
- Perform proficient computer coding & software/app/website development
However, these skills are often highly specialised and technical so are likely to be outsourced as required.
Start thinking about the types of information and communication technologies you might need to utilise or improve your skills on in your current or future working environment.
Below is a brief video from the University of Derby explaining ICT proficiency and productivity.