Business Case (Strategic Assessments)

A Strategic Assessment is a comprehensive document detailing the findings of a systematic decision support process, aiming to ensure that all aspects of a particular topic or issue of interest are considered effectively in policy, planning, program and project design.

In the context of funding and grant acquisition, a Strategic Assessment is an evidence based instrument that is used as a complementary document to the project plan and is a topic specific document tailored on a case by case basis. It may include other smaller documents and the following sections:

  • Regional & demographic profile
  • Needs assessment: studies and recommendations
  • Relevant regional history (eg. natural disaster & drought history to justify an application for exceptional circumstances)
  • Project Design & Option Analysis
  • Economic, Social, Environmental &/or Other Intangible Benefits
  • List of references

For large and complex funding applications, a Strategic Assessment is similar to a standardised Business Case but is a more comprehensive document used to support, inform and record the project decision making process.